Monday, November 21, 2005

District 21/23/25 Newsletter

Since the 4th Wednesday of this month is the day before Thanksgiving, the regular monthly meeting will instead be held the following Wednesday, November 30, at the usual 6 pm, Hawaii Republican Headquarters, 725 Kapiolani Blvd. Bob Kessler is back from his busy schedule of cruising the world, and so has been freshly inspired to invite all the known candidates to replace Galen Fox, as the 23rd District's representative, to speak.

Hopefully, Galen will be continuing his active leadership with the Party, although nobody could blame him if he decided to drop out of the political scene for a while, as he's put in a lifetime of public service already. As everybody realizes, it is the most stressful positions to hold these days -- unless one is pretty much born a natural politician. But that's true of whatever field one enters these days -- and why it is so important to find out what it is, each individual loves to do and was meant for. Not to realize that in these times, is the major source of unhappiness in a world of affluence and prosperity.

A few weeks ago, Bob and I had an opportunity to meet with several other district chairs and meet some of the candidates and other people who will be playing major roles in the coming election cycle. What was particularly encouraging to see, were so many young people -- who will undoubtedly be the generation to which the torch of the Republican Party is passed onto. Kristi Sue-Ako was one of the youngest -- and is an applicant for the 23rd District representative. She was an aide for Senator Gordon Trimble during the legislative session but is better known now as the treasurer for the lieutenant governor's campaign of James Aiona. She graduated fairly recently from Wellesley College.

The Republican Party more than the Democrats, is the party of opportunity for young people -- so if you know someone young in spirit and interested, the world is wide open to them. Public office undoubtedly appeals most to those who like being in a highly visible position -- and well-known. Surely there must be a few American Idol types -- who could shift their focus to a forum that offers a much greater possibility for lifelong meaningful involvement, limited only by their own creativity and dedication.

Another candidate showing a lot of creativity in making himself well-known is Nolan Kido, out in District 18 (Aina Haina). He's another refreshingly young -looking person who then reveals he is a legislative aide for Councilman Charles Djou, a business professor at Chaminade, and has already met most of the residents in his district. People who already have this public spirit and involvement, are leaders and representatives -- whether they run for public office or not. Voluntary public service is as important and necessary as holding an elective office -- if that is the role one is made to play, and is the most fulfilling. Some people don't have the time and patience -- and so contributing to the Party or campaigns is their own calling and service.

In a former time, every educated and ambitious person thought their mission in life, like everybody else's, was to be the President of the United States, and if one wasn't, one was an obvious failure, and many thus became resentful, bitter and envious of whoever was. I think that largely explains the animosity many people who should know better, seem to have an irrational inclination to criticize and undermine every effort of the current president (or governor), who quite probably, will go down in history of one of the great leaders of all-time. One would never know that from reading the newspapers or seeing talking heads on television convincing us that their thoughts and opinions -- are the only things that matter. And invariably, what concerns them is some petty distraction.

While it is good to have opinions, they are no substitute for having facts -- or being able to distinguish opinions from facts. Facts are what each individual can verify for themselves -- independent of any influence or coercion from anyone else. Opinions are facts planted in one's head by others -- who don't believe one ought to find out the truth of anything for themselves. The mass media will try to convince us the opposite is true -- that the truth one finds out for himself, is only an opinion -- and what they tell us, are the facts. I trust most of you know the difference and so I encourage you in this election cycle, to get as much information as you can, directly from the principals, rather than what people tell you about others -- which these days, is likely to be the exact opposite of what is real and true.

For those who haven't attended a political or campaign function recently, I think you will be pleasantly surprised to learn that some real authentic people are asking to represent us as elected officials. Not being one of these political types myself, I think every role played is representative of who we are as a people. So whether you show up at the district monthly meeting, attend a city sponsored forum on transportation, or whatever community concern interests you, that's also being representative of the thinking people in Hawaii -- that shapes public policy and creates the moral and intellectual context of society. Everything we do makes the difference.

Notes from Headquarters:

Eliza Talbot wants those who wish to attend the annual Voter Registration Training on Wednesday, Dec.7, 12 noon to contact her by Dec. 5 at or 593-8180. Food provided.

Joanne Bretschneider/Sam Aiona want to remind us the big events for the Party are the district caucus in January, the county caucus in April, and state convention May 26-28. At the January meeting, we elect new district officers for the year -- which we hope will be the next generation of leaders in Hawaii getting their start. If you know people who would make great citizen-leaders, please have them join us.


At November 22, 2005 9:05 AM, Blogger Mike Hu said...

JD: Help me out. I've been waiting for someone to contact me to help to no avail. It is frustrating when people ask for help but do not follow up.


Obviously what you have to do is show up at the meetings, particularly at the District caucus in January and become Da Man. The thing about grassroots organizations is that there is nobody to do the work except yourself. That's a hard one for people used to thinking that somebody else should be doing these things.

But for many things in life, and especially that which is creative and new, the reality has to be created by following through and manifesting that reality yourself -- and then once the prototype for that new way of doing things exist, it can be carried on and replicated. That's how organizations and institutions come into being. One guy gets an idea and follows through to make it a reality.

Edison didn't just say, "Somebody ought to create a lightbulb."

JD: agree with what you said. It is hard to make those meetings because of other commitments. I have met with the Executive Director a couple of times to no avail. You have attempted to hook me up with some people to no avail. I've made the effort without any reciprocity and it has bee frustrating. Just attending your meeting is not enough, I can call, show up and meet and write emails all day but without return feedback where do I turn. I continue to sway people's opinion throughout my daily interactions, the true grassroots, but I am a single person not an organization.

Thanks from a true conservative.

MH: Your have to become chairman of district 25. No ifs, ands, or buts... Then we go from there.

JD: That can be arranged. I will attend as many meetings as I can in the upcoming year. Happy Thanksgiving

At December 06, 2005 4:58 AM, Blogger Mike Hu said...

Email from District 23 Chair:

Aloha all - A couple of items. First, you may have seen in the press that the list of candidates for the now-vacant HD 23 House seat has been narrowed to four. THAT IS NOT CORRECT!! Four candidates attended last week's district meeting, and the press focused on that number. But there are others who have applied for, or are considering applying for, the seat.

Next, I consider it my job as District Chair to give the Governor as many good candidates as possible from which to choose. Monday is the deadline for submitting your name if you'd like to be considered. I've spoken with some of you and encouraged you to apply. But just because you haven't heard from me or someone else in the Party doesn't mean you shouldn't apply. If you think you'd be a good District Representative and a strong bet for re-election next year, go for it. I believe the procedure starts with you writing a letter to the Governor asking to be considered. I'd suggest treating it like a resume, including a brief personal history and references. And indicate your willingness to run for re-election next year. I think the best candidates for this appointment will be those who go after the job aggressively and are willing to work hard next year for re-election. Whoever the Governor appoints will get the full support of the District.

New subject. An important phase of the upcoming election will be voter registration. The Party has arranged for voter registrar training next Wednesday, Dec 7 at Party HQ starting at Noon. The training doesn't take long, and you'll come out a Deputy Voter Registrar. Then we'll be ready to get out there and register our voters. Try to attend this important training session. I'm told there will be snacks!!

Finally, I recommend you check out Mike Hu's blog, It's a great venue to engage in good, intellectual political discourse.

At December 06, 2005 4:59 AM, Blogger Mike Hu said...

Email to District 21:

If anybody is going to be around the City Hall complex, drop into the Hawaii Republican Party headquarters for a quick bite to eat and get registered as a deputy voter registrar, at noon, Wednesday, Dec. 7. It takes about 20 minutes. That empowers one to register new voters -- and bring in those applications directly to the City Registrar. Anybody can just give an application to a citizen and encourage them to turn in their application themselves. It comes in handy during voter registration drives -- at such fun places as churches, supermarkets, special events, etc.

The other important event I want everyone to keep in mind and attend is the District 21 caucus meeting in January, on the fourth Thursday of the month, Jan 26, 2006, at which time we select new officers and delegates for the year. Delegates will then be qualified to attend the Hawaii Republican Party Convention, at the Sheraton Waikiki, May 26-28. Those are the big events we try to get the core of our district leadership/members to attend -- two events.

Anything else is extra credit -- but really, to your own credit, in an environment really starving for representation and leadership. That's just a sign of the times. Pretty much anybody who wants to be a leader, can be a leader, limited only by their own energy and resourcefulness. That's the whole beauty of grassroots organization, particularly with the Republican Party. The people are the Party -- what you each individually and collectively make it. It's not the union style in which everybody is forced to conform to one way of thinking -- and oppress everybody else who doesn't share their view. We don't enforce political correctness -- from the least of us to the governor.

Especially with Governor Lingle. She basically stamped her imprint and style on the Party before she became governor -- as an authentically egalitarian individual. That's not a style of leader and authority we have been used to in Hawaii for as long as we've lived in Hawaii. Government and its institutions have always been kind of a heavy-handed intrusion into our lives, and so many have come to regard government as something to be liberated from as soon as they graduate from high school.

But with the election of Governor Lingle, the intellectual and cultural climate has changed decidedly for the better; there is this absence of intimidation and coercion, that was best expressed by previous governor Cayetano, who vowed, he would reward his friends and punish his enemies. So previously, most people's participation in government was largely writing letters to the editor of the newspapers advising the governor what to do -- because participation was not welcomed. That used to be the favorite past time in the Islands, of futilely telling the governor what to do -- as though only the governor alone, could do anything. That was very disempowering, and caused a lot of people to abandon any interest in politics.

But it is safe now to come out of the woodwork -- and create that community you can envision and carry out -- without people getting in the way, or discouraging you. But one has to recognize that there is a difference between being allowed to do what one can do, and demanding that others do what he won't do for himself. That is essentially the difference between Republicans and Democrats.

Republicans are a good group of people to affiliate with. I think one is always surprised to learn who is a Republican. I guess a telling characteristic is that they're an independent thinking person -- and not a top-down, conformist clique. Governance can be a little messy that way, but it is the individuals who are important -- and not the government, and all those quasi-official entities "pretending to be the government." Those are the people who usurp the power and authority that should only be judiciously and not liberally construed.

Growing up educated in Hawaii, those limits are often blurred, as demagogues and bullies like to think of themselves as duly-elected representative of the people. We used to select our elected officials from those who got their training strong-arming the other kids on the playground as kids. But now we have moved on to the next generation of leadership in which people are scarred by those experiences in life, thinking that is what "leadership" is all about, and only about.

Leadership is not only about being on top -- but can come from anywhere and everywhere. So I'm hoping some of you Waikiki-Kapahulu resident with an organizational genius will step up and chair the district in the coming year. I've always just been the backup guy, willing to do what has to be done, but not one who thinks leadership should be a permanent status. Official status is really an apprenticeship for the leadership that has no titles. But it always begins with the simple act of just showing up. That already makes a huge difference.

At December 06, 2005 5:15 AM, Blogger Mike Hu said...

Almost forgot to mention the most important value of a Deputy Voter Registrar's value:

In a petition drive or door-to-door canvassing, if a person identifies himself as an unregistered citizen who qualifies to vote, you can register and have them sign the petition immediately.


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