Sunday, January 08, 2006

District 21/22/23 Newsletter (Waikiki-Kapahulu/Moiliili-Pawaa/ Waikiki-Kakaako

Following is an announcement and request for participants for the Hawaii Republican Party contingent in the Martin Luther King parade -- on Monday, January 16, leaving Ala Moana Park at 9 am. If you haven't participated in a parade in a while, or just do one a year, this is the one you want to do -- because we don't do drills, dance routines, or carry heavy loads. They just want you representing the face of diversity in the Hawaii Republican Party. Your presence alone is greatly appreciated. The beauty of the King parade is its simplicity; no fancy floats, not too many marching bands, no horse manure to dodge -- it's just people power doing a pretty straight shot from Ala Moana to Kapiolani Park. One of the differences between the Democrat and Republican contingent is that they usually have a trolley for those "having trouble" making that walk.

Then on Thursday, January 26 at 6pm, Districts 21, 22, 23 will be having their annual meeting (district caucus) at the Hawaii Republican Party Headquarters at 725 Kapiolani Blvd., parking entrance off of Cooke. That's the big meeting at the start of the year at which we elect officers and certify delegates for the State Convention to be held at the Waikiki Sheraton, May 26-28. Those are the two major events for which we try to get as much participation as we can -- and identify all those presumably working together for a better Hawaii the Republican way -- which is mostly a meeting of independent minds and core shared values. But beyond that, Republicans are the symbol and manifestation of change in Hawaii -- against the entrenched status quo of the old boy network. Mostly they keep control because nobody else bothers to show up. So that's what we have to do minimally -- is just show up and create a presence so they can't just run on and do whatever they want to do. It's pretty much that simple. Just the fact that we show up, intimidates them.

They try to do their best to discourage us from showing up -- by making public forums as boring as possible and calling on the lobbyists to speak first -- as though they weren't getting their press releases and other communications daily. So those in the community who persist are really heroes. Many do it as their passion, but what is most impressive is the occasional new face that shows up, with fresh insight that startles by seeing the obvious. And that is the role of every citizen -- regardless of party affiliation. The Republican Party of Hawaii just wants you to know that they want you on their side -- as that clear and thoughtful voice representing the best and the brightest of the citizens of Hawaii. The Republican Party is You.

That's what most people in Hawaii have problems with -- recognizing that the Party and the power is themselves, and that is the simplicity of what it means to be a Republican. It is not an ideology of "Political correctness" handed down from on high by a few self-chosen few, who decide that for everybody else and tells them what to chant for Party unity (coercion) while calling that democracy. "Democracy" is not just the tyranny of the majority, or that "the majority rules!" and nothing else. Republicans feel that all must be represented -- and not just the dominating clique. "They" don't want you to know about that -- that there can be other visions than their own, which you have no choice but to accept.

A lot of that conditioning begins in our public schools, where as youngsters, we were first exposed to the injustices in the world -- that bullies could demand that we do what they wanted us to do, rather than our deciding for ourselves what we thought was right. Oftentimes, it was the teacher herself who was that bully -- and so justified that tactic and became a model for the others. "Might made right," because she was the teacher, and that meant total and arbitrary control -- knowing the kids would not know better to protest. If one dared to, he was met with the tactic of those in authority sticking together, even though a few could recognize the injustice that they would not admit to. That is the culture and experience we share growing up in Hawaii -- which has caused many to be disillusioned and disabused of the notion that the individual, and not the state and collective, is the ultimate authority.

That's why it is very important to be recognized as an ally working within the Republican Party in Hawaii; there's is a supportive culture and tradition of being the "outsider" -- thinking that he can only work alone, in silence, futilely, in isolation against the Establishment. That Establishment largely exists because good people don't make their presence known. There is another way -- and that is the Hawaii Republican Party -- a merry band of independent thinking people in Hawaii, waiting and welcoming your participation and leadership.

-- Mike Hu, District 21 Chair

Martin Luther King Jr. Day Parade January 16th
1/4/2006 9:07:27 AM Hawaiian Standard Time

Martin Luther King Jr. Day Parade

Aloha Everyone,

Happy New Year! 2006 is going to be our year and we wanted to start things off with a bang! We want to have a large contingent of Republicans to represent our party in honoring and commemorating the inspirational life of the Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr. by marching in the 18th annual Martin Luther King Jr. Day Parade.

What: Martin Luther King Jr. Day Parade
Where: Meet @Magic Island (Ala Moana Beach Park).
Parade route will go from Magic Island to Kapiolani Park
When: Monday, January 16, 2006 at 9:00 am to 11:00am
Who: All Republican Party Members, Supporters Volunteers and Families

If you can volunteer and will walk with us or have any questions, please feel free to contact Keith Nakano at party Headquarters at 593-8180 or James Hardway at 282-7859. We will contact all who sign up to get your t-shirt size and give exact location

Keith Nakano
Executive Director

Paid for by the Hawaii Republican Party: Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee
725 Kapionlani Blvd C-105, Honolulu, HI 96813,, Ph:(808)593-8180, Fax:(808)593-7742


At January 10, 2006 10:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why can't government be simple and straightforward?

Free Speech by Permits Does Not Solve Sidewalk Congestion

By Mike Hu, 1/4/2006 1:23:37 PM

I don't see how limiting free speech by permits to a chosen few solves the problem of sidewalk congestion on the mauka side of Kalakaua Avenue -- because even one can create a bottleneck, and is more

At January 11, 2006 10:13 AM, Blogger Mike Hu said...

Why can't government be this simple and straightforward?

Free Speech by Permits Does Not Solve Sidewalk Congestion
By Mike Hu, 1/4/2006 1:23:37 PM
I don't see how limiting free speech by permits to a chosen few solves the problem of sidewalk congestion on the mauka side of Kalakaua Avenue -- because even one can create a bottleneck, and is more likely to occur if they're not dispersed among different venues.

It seems like it is time to move all that free entertainment and enterprises to the other side of the street after dark -- to that area beginning with the police station all the way on down as far as they want to go -- which is underutilized at that time. Victoria, B.C., Canada does that -- creates a whole free zone of expression and activity by the waterfront, so that the rent-paying businesses won't be obstructed and interfered with. They have rights too, you know -- and they pay a lot for them, and the city can provide a free zone that hasn't existed before, for basically no charge, that can accommodate all the speech and expression one wants to. That is a wonderful opportunity waiting to be realized.

The mayor's solution, as I understand it, does not solve anything -- which pleases the ACLU.

At January 11, 2006 10:23 AM, Blogger Mike Hu said...

The unfortunate education and conditioning of contemporary culture and society, is the thinking that in order to make one appear smarter, they have to be unintelligible and obscure, rather than in realizing that true genius is in making the complex and complicated -- simple, easy and effortless. However, such an approach would reduce the need for more time, energy and money -- when the misguided measure of government effectiveness is how much money, time and energy they have to expend.

Ideally, by that manner of thinking, all the time, energy and money in the world, would create an ever-increasing problem and demand for more time, energy and money. The Democrats need to come up with another idea for the 21st century.

At January 13, 2006 9:47 AM, Blogger Mike Hu said...


Most people don't realize that the genesis of the Republican Party in the nation's history, was the opposition to slavery. So the ML King observance is really a Republican victory, as well as the observance of Abraham Lincoln Day next month, as one of the most revered and legendary of American presidents.(R)

The Republican Party of Hawaii will have their annual Lincoln Day Dinner on Thursday, February 16, 2006, 7 pm, Coral Ballroom, Hilton Hawaiian Village, with guest speaker Ken Mehlman, the National Republican Committee Chairperson. Cocktails and Silent Auction begin at 5:30 pm. At such events, Linda Lingle, the Governor, usually personally greets everybody who wants to say , "Hello."

Call Joanne at 808-593-7742 or email for tickets and more information. While it is a major fundraiser for the Hawaii Republican Party, Democrats are always welcome to party with the Grand Old Party!

At January 13, 2006 10:23 AM, Blogger Mike Hu said...

What I've alwys been impressed with is how personalble and accessible most Republicans are -- contrary to the impression given by the Democrat media that it is the partyy of right-wing extremists.

What the Alito hearings have exposed is that the Republicans are the party of the everyday folk while the Democrats have marginalized themselves with extreme special interest groups that have disproportionate influence because they squeak the loudest. That's no way to run a country, state or city.

Concurrent with that shift is the realization by the mainstream media that people have tired of narrow partisanship and want to see the biggest vision of society -- and not its smallest and most petty. That was the critical mistake of mainstream media -- thinking they could exploit the divisiveness in this country rather than being a force for reconciliation, doing something useful and good.

In that way, they created the opportunity for alternative new media to take hold, which can be anything they want to be -- while the old media is stuck in their old traditions, ways of doing things, rewarding seniority over talent and ability, etc. That's a pretty harsh handicap to overcome in today's dynamically evolving world of information and communications.

The Associated Press style doesn't talk to anybody -- but just comes across as pretentious. And by professionalizing information to their exclusive turf, they seemed to forget, that the information has to come from those outside their circle. People don't tune in to see the messengers; they tune in for the message, content, substance and depth -- something long ago abandoned by the mainstream media in their quest for the story that will be forgotten tomorrow.

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