Sunday, March 18, 2007

“Making Things Worse”

When the net result of all one’s expenditures and efforts is that the problem gets worse every year, requiring more money, expenditure and efforts -- it should be definitive proof that the solution is worse than the original problem -- and one needs instead to find the “right” solution that actually works in eliminating the problem -- rather than simply, as has become our culture and tradition, doing the same things over again, expecting different results. In all probability though, one really expects the same, predictable results -- and so one can demand even more money -- for doing the same job, or less, as the situation disintegrates into hopelessness, futility and despair!

What is not obvious, is that not only should such people be doing less -- but they shouldn’t even be doing what little they’re doing at all. In the world of counseling and therapy, that mode of behavior was recognized as “enabling the dysfunction,” rather than empowering optimal (healthy) functioning -- which is the elimination of THAT problem. It shouldn’t strike fear into the hearts of all unionists that THAT problem and the resultant jobs that enable them will be eliminated -- because time, energy and resources will be freed to solve the next level of challenge in the progress of human society towards a more perfect and happy condition.

But such a state of dysfunction has become institutionalized as our “government,” media, and other agencies that profit from the perpetuation of those problems and conditions. One would hardly expect them to want to change those cozy arrangements that place them at the top of such social organizations and pecking orders -- and so the struggle for most, is just securing a position higher up on the organizational ladders -- rather than living happily ever after on solid ground.

Unquestionably those former will be more insecure and hang on evermore tightly and fight off evermore desperately all those they consider as threats to their lofty perches -- thinking that is the only way up, and the only way things can ever be. All they have been taught in life is this struggle of everybody for everything -- as though that was an intelligent and wise way to be. A rare few escape that conditioning (education) and find a better way, which they hope to announce to the rest of society as at least another possibility, and are invariably shouted down by the powers that be, who wish to remain so under the present circumstances.

While many will “talk” about the unattainable hope for improvement, they like things fine just the way they are -- with themselves at the top, in charge, and in power. That is the well-observed “hypocrisy” of the self-proclaimed liberals. They are always self-proclaimed because their intentions are not evident to anybody else observing their actions, and in fact, it is a mark of their own cleverness to be able to say one thing and do something else -- and seeing how many people they can fool this time.

They are particularly attracted to certain occupations that loudly proclaim their "ethics" and pride themselves on their “professionalism” -- as the fact that they will be willing to do anything for money, fame and advancement. Towards these ends, they are likely to regard everyone else disdainfully as “amateurs.”


At March 20, 2007 8:53 AM, Blogger Mike Hu said...

Here's an example of making (editing) things to make it worse.

Government Can Be Inefficient, Wasteful Because Elected Officials Aren't Being Held Accountable
By Bob Kessler, 3/20/2007 8:08:05 AM

In a letter recently published in The Honolulu Advertiser, Debbie Soares commented about two subjects dear to my heart - taxes and Government efficiency.

This is a reply to those comments. Ms Soares observed the hardships being imposed on Honolulu taxpayers by the current tax burden. She cites some well-known examples such as vehicle registration fees, spiraling sewer fees and the ever-increasing real property taxes. There are many others. Ms Soares then goes on to comment on the obvious inefficiencies in Government.

I suggest to Ms. Soares that Government is inefficient because it can be. There is no financial pressure to increase efficiency. The City and County Government currently is awash in revenue, largely due to windfall tax revenue associated with the real estate boom. We complain and the City Government dithers while pretending to seek real property tax relief. The obvious answer – cut taxes – is inconceivable for them. Tax relief just doesn’t happen. Efficiency doesn’t improve. And all we can do is complain more.

The reason Government can be inefficient and wasteful with our money is because they are not accountable. We taxpayers have no recourse. If we want to petition the City and County Government to reduce taxes, the City Charter denies us that right. We can petition the Government, just not on tax issues. So our City Government is insulated against official taxpayer action concerning taxes.

I am Co-Chair of LET HONOLULU VOTE, a non-profit dedicated to removing that prohibition from the City Charter and opening the door for Honolulu taxpayers to hold our Government accountable. Ms Soares, I invite you and everyone else who shares our concerns to check our web site, http://www.LETHONOLULUVOTE.ORG. The answers to the problems you mention start right there.

Robert R. Kessler Co-Chair, LET HONOLULU VOTE Ph. 922-6188 Waikiki

(Presented as) Guest Editorial in the Hawaii Reporter.

Then how that same submission is edited to reduce its effectiveness and usefulness:

Letters to the Editor



I would like to respond to the comments by Debbie Soares (Letter, March 13) about taxes and government efficiency.

Ms. Soares observed the hardships being imposed on Honolulu taxpayers by the current tax burden. She cites some obvious examples, such as vehicle registration fees, spiraling sewer fees and the ever-increasing real property taxes. There are many others.

Ms. Soares then goes on to comment on the obvious inefficiencies in government.

I suggest to Ms. Soares that government is inefficient because it can be. There is no financial pressure to increase efficiency. The city is awash in revenue, largely due to windfall tax revenue associated with the real estate boom.

We complain, and the city dithers while pretending to seek real property tax relief. The obvious answer — cut taxes — is inconceivable for them. Tax relief just doesn't happen. And all we can do is complain more.

The reason government can be inefficient and wasteful with our money is because they are not accountable.

Taxpayers have no recourse. If we want to petition the city to reduce taxes, the City Charter denies us that right. We can petition the government, just not on tax issues. So our city government is insulated against official taxpayer action concerning taxes.

Robert Kessler
Co-Chair, Let Honolulu Vote

At March 20, 2007 9:03 AM, Blogger Mike Hu said...

It's no accident that we have unresponsive (bad) government, when those who once prided themselves on looking after the public interest, are now running interference for it -- and suppressing and distorting the voice of the people.

That's why credibility in the "mainstream media" is eroding and mercifully shifting into the "new media," where once again, every citizen can speak their own truth, for themselves.

I know the newspapers will say they don't have the space to give a fair and honest rendering. Just eliminate the some of the 90% of the crap they publish and they'll have plenty of space for the worthwhile.

That's the problem of all the dysfunction in our society -- sure there is no time and energy to teach people useful things; they're too busy learning all the things that are totally unnecessary to learn -- as the formal education.

At March 20, 2007 9:14 AM, Blogger Mike Hu said...

The newspapers used to be fairly adept at disguising their biases.

Now they send the shop stewards to cover the Democrat/union corruption.

At March 20, 2007 9:17 AM, Blogger Mike Hu said...

I think it's pretty insulting to the intelligence of the people of Hawaii.

But at least the Advertiser is running blogs.

At March 20, 2007 9:29 AM, Blogger Mike Hu said...

I don't think it can be understated that the mainstream (mass) media is in a crisis -- of virtually no return to their former glory years, though many are still reluctant to accept that reality and eventuality.

They are the intellectual roadkill -- of the Helen Thomases and Dan Rathers -- wondering why they're no longer revered except in the newsrooms as icons of contemporary society.

That's another era -- of self-adulation and massive delusions, long gone by. Now, people are as important as they make themselves to be. No more and no less.


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