Thursday, October 11, 2007

The Freedom To Be Known -- And to Know Oneself

The new world culture emerging is very problematical for those who were ostensibly “successful” in the old world culture, and thought that once having achieved their positions and status, they were assured for time immemorial to remain on the top of that pecking order -- rather than in today’s new reality, of creating one’s life. identity and merit anew daily.

So when they demand, “Do you know who I am?”, and people look blankly at one another as though the inquisitor is mad, such a person is not aware of the new reality being created in every moment -- but still has the obsolete notion that the present was created 2,000 years ago, and merely is being repeated -- as all that humans can do.

The fault is the education tactic of insisting that in order to know the present state-of-the-art knowledge, one must first learn all the ideas that are now obsolete (as a prerequisite) -- as though it was necessary to waste one’s time and energy in that manner, rather than just being the teaching professions way of ensuring as many teaching jobs as possible. Therefore, all that can be known and taught, will be in the curriculum, leaving little or no time to learn the present great challenges of our times, which intelligently, would be the task of young, unbiased minds to see freshly so as not to carry over the baggage of the past-- which are the problems of today.

A fresh mind, seeing everything newly and freshly, sees no problems but only solutions. In their traditional education however, they come to regard the age-old problems as the way things have been -- and therefore must continue to be, because they are taught that as the reality they must first "accept" -- before they can embrace any other truth.

One of the difficulties written about daily in the newspapers is this so-called loss of the sanctity of remaining “anonymous,” which some people go through great lengths to protect as sacrosanct to life in a free society, when obviously, the right to be known, and to know oneself is really the greatest attainment and fulfillment in any society.

That is why there is the popularity of “American Idol,” or the thrill of being a karaoke singer, until one eventually realizes, they are not the great undiscovered talent they imagine themselves to be.

Now, more commonly, is the realization by many that they are not the great writers and thinkers they imagined themselves to be because anybody can be "published" -- just because they could say what everybody else does -- as though that was a rare and valued quality. Only a rare few create original content and manner of expression -- which drives the thinking in the world, which everybody else copies.

In the newspaper publishing world -- where there is almost no creative talent and insight, they exploit this use of anonymity in order to steal everybody else’s ideas -- just as most bureucratic entities will grudgingly admit that a mistake may have been made, but it would be impossible to track down which individual made such a mistake because that is the protection of anonymity.

So many are brave and courageous as anonymous editorial writers but when they write (blog) under their own names, in their own thoughts, come to realize they have nothing to recommend themselves from the masses, and so have become the leading force in ensuring that nobody can be known -- for who they really are.


At October 11, 2007 7:25 PM, Blogger Mike Hu said...

In the past, it was mass media (newspapers)who designated themselves as the king and queen makers of culture and society, and anointed those who received their favors and those who were to be ostracized and blacklisted.

Most people simply went along because that was the only game in town. Monopolists protect and defend the rights of all other monopolists to their unchallenged authority. In that context, bogus authorities could flourish by simply cultivating the good favor of the other monopolists -- as the only games in town -- thinking they could always remain so.

In another time, it was the pope or queen that designated those who were "somebodies." In the age of mass media, it was those like the Walter Cronkites and Dan Rathers -- whose major claim to fame was simply that they were famous in that overexposed way. People thought that what they saw on television or read in the newspapers, was the whole of reality -- and not just what the reporters, editors and publishers wanted everybody to think it was.

So they created schools to perfect their ability to seem authoritative and believable because they weren't. But most managed to fool themselves into believing their own lies.


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