Monday, November 21, 2011

The Challnge of Our Times

For the past decade or so, the main driver of the economy has been to make housing more expensive -- with those predictably disastrous consequences -- that most will not be able to keep up, of which there is no provision for addressing those real needs -- instead of the highly-contrived of union workers that they are not keeping up with their peers in the top 1% -- and so we have to pay the school teachers $100,000 a year minimum.

The median income is $27,000 -- and not the proffered $50,000 per HOUSEHOLD -- which can be two or more income earners, that the unions like to confuse the issues and justify their own massive power grab. That's the real source of the inequity in that they demand those above median incomes for life -- and even retire to double-dip, which means less for everybody else, and especially those who have very little.

So the most disturbing thing about the Occupy movement, is that it was co-opted by the unions to protect their middle class entitlements and way of life -- rather than addressing the real problems of the truly needy -- for which there is no money "left over" after paying for these incessantly increasing demands by the powerful unions -- which are substantially more than the 1%, and therefore a steady drain on community resources.

Studies on the top 1% of income earners, note that such high incomes are not guaranteed for one's entire lifetime, but that there is a high turnover such that a person can have one good year, and many bad ones -- but there is another person who will have their one good year in their place -- which is the reward of taking risks. But you can't pay a large number of people guaranteed lifetime high incomes no matter what -- as the auto/steel/education industry and the cities like Detroit have demonstrated -- without total devastation to such communities.

Jobs used to be about addressing real needs -- and not just the career/economic aspirations of highly "entitled" people -- which were what the most recent revolutions have been about. The great challenge of these times is building that lower tier society -- and not more money for the middle class to buy more houses, take more vacations, and whatever else they think they are entitled to -- to keep up with the Joneses (rich).

Every time and place has its unique challenges, and that is the challenge of these times -- to create alternatives that work marvelously now, and not just wallow in the mud like at Woodstock -- and thinking that is the Age of Aquarius, and the best of all worlds.


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