"Now Is Not A Good Time!"
If not now, when?
There couldn't be a better time -- when the tax revenues are vastly outstripped by expenditures, particularly the exploding demands for staff and payroll so that there is little money left over, to actually serve the function these jobs were originally created for.
Of course the most renowned example is the explosion of staff, salaries and benefits for the education establishment so there's no money left over to actually hold classes for the students anymore.
Do we expect them to come in on their paid holidays and career advancement days to teach? Do we expect government workers to do the jobs they are being paid to do and solve these problems therefore eliminating or reducing their jobs?
No, the problem has to get worse to create the need for more welfare, education, government
The most empowering and transformative action one can take to help a person on welfare, is to get them to use the Internet, because once they do, it opens up the entire world of possibilities to them -- and enables them to begin to break the cycle of reliance on other people -- to do their thinking for them, and telling them the information they need.
Poverty also means social isolation for many -- and the welfare office should not be their sole interface with the rest of society, but should include the networking possibilities of the Internet. The Internet is the answer to welfare and poverty; it's made everyone who utilizes it immeasurably richer -- and that today, is the great socioeconomic divide.
The welfare workers, educators, old media (journalists) fought new communications and information as the chief defenders of the status quo which they controlled -- until it became obvious that the world had indeed changed, and in the new world order, they were the "dead man walking." administrators -- who have lost sight of the reason government was created in the first place -- to solve (eliminate) problems, and not create more, high-paying jobs for themselves.
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