The Future of the Republican Party
Republicans are at a distinct disadvantage in winning majority numbers since a large part of their belief -- is that there should be less government and not more, while the pat Democrat answer to everything, is MORE government. So the success of a Republican platform is that government becomes a smaller part of our lives and intrusion -- rather than dictating every aspect of our lives.
That should be a fairly long-term trend -- not because government dictates that it be so, but because the new options far outstrip government’s ability to regulate them -- so that when they do, society has already moved on to further developments and discoveries.
In an age of abundant information, such traditional cultural/government institutions like libraries and schools have to reinvent themselves to remain relevant -- because what is foremost is the information, and not who controls it. That was the preoccupation in the past, in which everything was mainly a control issue. And that is largely how we still measure the success of political parties -- rather than by the people and their society, in and of itself, which is I think is the success of the Republican Party.
It’s a healthier culture than the preoccupation with who controls and dominates -- which is the prevailing culture and mindset of a previous century. That is even mostly what our schools and newspapers have been about -- status and hierarchy -- who is more important than the other, and not what are the facts of the situation regardless of what office such a person holds.
This cultural evolution seems to be inevitable no matter who is in power. The next step in the evolution of knowledge is trusting in one’s ability to think for oneself -- instead of a few doing the thinking for everyone else, and then telling them what to chant, and what is politically correct.
It should matter less and less what party is in power and more what ideas rule the day. It’s more than what the government or institutions declare that it is. I think it is not even necessary anymore to convert people to one’s point of view but more important and productive to find those who are already moving in the same direction towards a convergence of purpose.
Those who aren’t moving in that direction, have already determined their obsolescence. They’re not going to change no matter how long they live. In a previous time, that might have seemed quaint, if not admirable. But I think life in these times, is a measure of how it moves with the times, changes and challenges.
Ideologies fail because they don’t change with the times -- but demand that the times move towards their ideology. The best way to understand the political parties is not by what they believe -- but how they actually communicate that to one another, which has been the strength of Republicanism -- of every individual to do their own thinking, rather than cede that power to their leaders, and then repeat them as though they thought of it themselves.