Freedom in an Unfree World
In this world of multiple sources of information, it is rare to run into a person that has only one perspective and sees things only through one way -- never considering for a moment, that there could be other ways of seeing the same thing. That’s why it is important to have a two-party system, and even preferably more than the two, which is usually just a contest between proponents and opponents of the one way of seeing things.
True diversity would mean seeing thing in a wholly different way -- beginning with the most basic assumptions and premises about life and society -- which both have agreed not to question and discuss. In government, the question is usually about whether we need more or less government (money) -- and not whether we need government at all -- in the increasingly many areas of life that really far outstrips every community’s capacity to dictate for every individual exercising and manifesting freedom, liberty and intelligence.
The essential discussion of government today should be what is its most important functions -- and not simply every aspect and activity that government could get involved in. The flaw in this manner of thinking is the belief that in order to get anyone to do anything, we have to first get everyone to do anything -- which obviously doesn’t work as well as the realization that in order to get everyone to do anything, we have to first get any one to do anything.
One is the precursor to the many -- so that for a society and nation to get better, at least one person has to first, and not that having none actualize that possibility ever before, we jump to the conclusion that it would be a better, if not perfect world, if everybody was that way. That is the proper understanding of human evolution and progress -- and not the countless damaged people demanding that everybody in society must change to live up to their perverted expectations (demands) of what everybody (else) has to be for them (to be happy -- or at least, not so angry).
Meanwhile, they have no expectations and demands of themselves and their own conduct and behavior -- but only their insistence that the world would be a perfect place and there would be perfect order if everybody else just let them rule the world. Very few people in government and politics, can resist this manner of thinking -- or that the object and purpose of everything they do is the exercise of power -- over everybody else.
And really, the greatest government is that originally conceived by the founders of every free and healthy society -- that the objective and purpose of everything we do, is the exercise of power -- over ourselves and our own lives, and that the proper jurisdiction of government, is everything that interfered with that -- which very obviously to the most perceptive, has become the opposite of that. If that were limited to government, it wouldn’t be so pervasive except that it becomes a model for the behavior of everyone else, especially those who would have us believe that they are quasi-governmental institutions, like the media, and everybody else with aspirations to be the exclusive authority (boss) in everybody else's life -- including killing them and violating all their rights if they deem it appropriate.
But usually, they just stop at deception and manipulation.