Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Do We Really Need More Money For Education?

"More money for education" always sounds like a good idea that can never be questioned as a solution to any problem, but it is time we asked if we are spending it on the right kind of education -- instead of just learning for learning's sake. That's not the kind of citizens we need, or is it the solution to the problem of unemployment and all the societal urgencies of these times.

Many of the employers, as well as social engineers, complain that the schools aren't providing the training and education they (enterprises) specifically need -- so maybe the funding should be given to them to do the kind of training they require to produce precisely those people they need.

The schools still think it is important to learn the medieval trivium as though that is helpful and necessary to succeeding in this day and age -- while nobody teaches the specific skills for everybody and anybody to learn what they need to know to specifically be successful at contemporary life. Instead all the money is being hoarded to prepare each succeeding generation for living in the past -- as though history will simply repeat itself if they keep obtaining more education and unemployment benefits.

That's not the way the world works. We don't simply need more money for schools and higher wages and benefits for teaching what no longer needs to be done (taught), but we need to fund the learning of what actually needs to be done. For this to happen, the learning/teaching has to be vertically integrated into the enterprises (businesses), and government should be the employer/trainer of last resort, and not permanent tenures and sinecures for people who cannot do anything else -- but teach all the useless information that has no value except in the schools.

This is long overdue, and the reason societies are falling behind the rapid pace of progress and change (improvement). The schools foremost, need to be improved, and not simply funded to do the same old things in the same way they've always done things before.

Especially for higher education, you don't need have them gather in schools. They can gather anywhere, and subsidized onsite job-training, is the only thing that makes any sense because nobody graduating from the present schools and universities, are going to be job-ready, unless they've been specifically trained for what urgently needs to be done -- no matter how much liberal arts indoctrination to always vote for the Democratic Party they've had (to vote for more money for the schools), and can recite the capitols of every state, and know the leaders of every country -- like the talk show hosts and editorial writers supposedly do.


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