"I Just Want Everything to Stay the Same," Is Not an Option
Pioneering new ideas of life and society in the 21st-century. Originally conceived as a blog for the Hawaii Republican Party because of its role as the official organized alternative to the dominant Democrat Party, he believes the problems are caused by the partisanship and factionalism -- and the real solution, is an integrated Big Picture of a well-functioning society without such fragmented, divisive thinking. More than anything else, Hawaii is a state of mind in the middle of "Nowhere."
The quality that distinguishes the living from the dead (inanimate), is its ability to change (move) rather than remain fixed and constant for all eternity. That's why it is very disturbing to go to the homes where people are dying and no longer living fully, or even barely -- and may continue on in that way for decades. For such people particularly, it is necessary to get back to the rudiments of movement and through that basics of understanding, achieve their momentary greatest shape and functioning -- much as the world champion athletes also have to do in order to achieve their peak performance.
If one is very "experienced," but in all the wrong things -- or way the government is headed, then that is no asset, but in fact, the greatest liability, because that's the only thing one knows and thinks they can be.
At 6, 16, and 26, almost anything seems to work; at 36, 46, and 56, one realizes that what they thought worked, might not; then at 66, 76, 86..., it seems like nothing works anymore, no matter what. So, then, that is the true test of what really works -- and not that anything could. That's what separates those who "know" something, and those who just "think" they do.