Sunday, August 19, 2012

Passing the Torch to a New Generation of Leaders

Obviously, life as we know it, cannot continue this way -- of people declining with age, rather than getting better.

As long as the money goes to enabling and treating sickness, injuries and thoughtless behaviors, they assuredly, will get worse in that way.  But whenever the future looked dire in this way (think Malthus), human intelligence sees the inevitable crisis, and rises to the challenge in reinventing life -- which obviously has to be in a population that doesn't grow increasingly and inevitably worst -- as our "health" experts now forecast.

We obviously don't need experts like that -- to preside over our demise -- as the best of all worlds, and thee best that they can do -- as long as they are in charge.  So the people themselves have to take charge of their own lives and destinies for a different (better) outcome than the dismal one offered by the "experts."

And that is that people have to become their own primary caregivers -- rather than increasingly dependent on an army of caregivers, no matter how vast the funding and resources -- so that we no longer continue with this status quo.

And that is why the forthcoming elections represent this opportunity to maintain the status quo and eventually pass the torch back to a successor who will lead us back into the 20th century, or we pass the torch to a new generation of leaders, with a boldly different vision of a healthy America -- in which all the money, time and energy, doesn't just go to keep a dying generation alive for as long as medically possible, but we embark on a new vision of society in which those who make the best decisions are rewarded -- and those who don't, know of options by which they can transform their lives.

We are at this critical juncture in history -- in which we recognize that the present course is unsustainable, and simply "more" is not the answer -- but the problem. When things constantly don't work but only get worse no matter how much money and resources we throw into it, it is time for a new generation of leaders to arise and lead us onto a boldly different path -- because they have that vision, and not because they'll lead us back into some imaginary good ol' days, that never really were.

That is the health care crisis, and the challenge of society, government and real leaders at this time, and not just continuing the age old arguments of more or less of the same.  We have to think boldly differently -- as we have never thought before, to go where we've never been before -- with leaders who blaze that new path, rather than the obviously failing vision of only more for those already vested in the old status quo -- leaving nothing for future generations.

Monday, August 06, 2012

How Much is "Enough?"

A person is "rich" who thinks he has enough -- and more than they deserve.

A person is "poor" who no matter how much they have, is never enough -- and never as much as they think they deserve -- which is that they should be the top 1%.

The attitude of gratitude is largely what separates the rich from the poor -- and not the amount of money they have.  In fact, the median income is the "sweet spot" -- that enables people to differentiate from those who can multiply their income and wealth in a better quality of life, or whether every purchase they make is a net negative -- because instead of exchanging value for value, they hope to get something for nothing every time, at every opportunity -- so that everyone is made poorer by these transactions and interactions, rather than that society is enriched by such markets of opportunities (choices).

Resourceful people make the most of their resources -- and not claiming that even the more they have than most others, is not enough for the high station in life they think they alone should have.  This is particularly important when you see the next rally organized by the union (government) workers all making at least the median income, and usually double that ($50,000) waddling down the streets in their stretched out XXL T-shirts, proclaiming they are the 99% -- when they are in fact the 1%, who will never have enough no matter how much we give into their demands -- that they should be compensated equal to their imagined peers in the top 1% of the 1% -- and are supported by the Occupiers who think that everything should be free and unlimited, and that is the least society can do.

So we really need this proper perspective.