Where Did This Country Go Wrong?
You can't ENABLE people to get worse -- you have to EMPOWER them to get better, so that they don't need MORE health care.
where the "progressives" have gone wrong. We need to dedicate this
society to producing healthier people -- rather than more health care
for people who aren't, and will live indefinitely in that declining
state of health. That's the whole orientation of the present health
care system -- to keep dysfunctioning people alive for as long as
possible in that condition -- because the money is just too damn good
that way.
Meanwhile, there is very little money in really healthy,
independent people. The lesson to be learned, is from the 10% who are
so healthy they never need to see a doctor -- and find out what those
people do -- rather than extrapolating the sickest 10% onto the entire
population -- because that becomes the self-fulfilling prophecy.
where the nation lost its vision -- in people becoming better, rather
than simply worse, and justifying that as "normal aging," and all its
attendant afflictions. Most people's problems are not caused by aging
-- but rather dysfunctions and dependencies, and the solution is not how
do we pay for more caregivers, but how do we create people who are
their OWN best caregivers -- so we don't have to pay for prohibitively
expensive "professional" caregivers to do what each could do best for
That vision has all but been abandoned, and is now
even being "outlawed" and penalized -- with the propaganda that such
people don't pay for their own health care if they actually need it, and
so should subsidize those who are totally dependent on it, as they are
for everything else.
But even then, a rare few will choose to be
as healthy and self-actualizing as they can be -- as what the human
enterprise and evolution is meant to be -- despite societal mandates to
do otherwise.
The Future Will Be Different
doesn't just repeat itself -- as many unobservant people think. Life
is always changing, and never staying the same. How that life changes,
has not been predetermined -- but is the reason for our being and living
-- and not despite all our efforts. That is what makes lives
meaningful -- and not simply the dysfunction and despair many think it
beings "age" when they fail to adapt -- but continue to make the same
mistakes that aren't working, obviously -- and then think they always
have to be that way. And so their problems and difficulties become
irresolvable -- rather than the focus of all their efforts -- to get
better, to overcome their problems and difficulties.
if one is always learning, trying new ways, and not just repeating the
same ways that aren't working, there is a chance for an entirely
different outcome than their present course. Yet their conditioning and
habits, makes them do the same things -- that aren't working, and that
is their dying to each day and new opportunity for change.
change of understanding, is the difficult part of conditioning -- not
just for once, but for everyday of one's life -- and that is what keeps
one young and vital, sensitive and responsive -- and when one no longer
is that way, decline and deterioration will set in. Life is the choices
one must make. Dying is the thinking that one no longer can make those
choices that affect one vitally. Many live that way -- their entire
lives, and so that end, is unavoidable.
future will be different, if one makes it different -- in the very
thinking of it, but can never do so, thinking the same and simply
repeating what one has always done before. One doesn't improve by
simply doing MORE of what one has done before, but in doing it BETTER,
than they've ever done it before.
it is the movement itself that is important, and not the resistance to
such movement -- done increasingly badly, that one should not be
reinforcing -- until ultimately one fails in the various ways -- injury,
disinterest, and the lack of favorable results. Conditioning doesn't
have to be all those undesirable side-effects -- with little or no
positive benefits. Yet many will simply do what they have done before -- even without the hope of any improvement, simply because that is their conditioning -- to simply repeat regardless of the outcome.
One can be conditioning wrongly, as well as rightly, and not that any and all conditioning,
is good. Obviously, that is not true -- and that is the difference one
experiences in the world and life. So first, it is important to
discern and discriminate such differences, rather than follow the advice
of those who do not know what they are talking about, except to claim
to be the "experts" on such matters.
we find out that they have no idea of what they are talking about --
despite repeating it mindlessly all their lives. They've never
questioned that authority -- as their condtioning -- to get beyond to
the truth of that matter, and find out it can be different from the only
way they've been told, and unfortunately taught, by poor teachers and
the culture of those environments.
go on that way until it is "too late," and they can no longer change.
They are simply resigned to their fate -- that they can no longer get
better, but now and forever more, can only get hopelessly worse. So
while one is young, or at any time in one's life, one must recondition
oneself to the thinking that one can change -- fundamentally and
thorougly, and not just the hope that they can change only one thing,
while everything else remains the same. That is not how change works;
real change, changes everything -- so much so, that one doesn't have to
change everything. It produces its own momentum and life of its own.
But most people don't want real change, or change enough, to produce such a profound movement -- and that doing, is their very being -- the form they express and exude, and not simply how they wish it were different.
If one is observant in the gyms, and in the schools, and in all the
activities of life, one sees these forms manifested in all the behaviors
as well as the forms they take. Form confirms function. What one sees, is what one expects.
So if one can see without these preconceptions of what they think they are doing, one sees the truth of the matter, of simply what is
happening -- and not just the propaganda of what they think they are
doing. Those are the few that break through in any field of activity --
to attain the truth beyond, and that is what is important, and serves
them well all their lives -- regardless of the field of their
specialization. That is the universal truth recognized in all. That is
what rings true.
one thinks there is a different truth for every different occasion,
even if it seems totally at variance with every other truth one has
learned in life -- and so only the different experts in such fields, can
know that. But the truth is not like that. It is recognizable to
those who haven't been indoctrinated in all that propaganda to accept it
wholly. It can be recognized in any part of it -- because the truth is
always in the whole, and never in the half-.
many say, "I'm not ready for the whole truth, tell me just the half-."
And so what they know, is a collection of half-truths, not adding up to
any whole -- and so nothing makes sense, or is expected to. They
simply repeat what they have always done before.
And thus they age -- badly.
Inflation and Deflation
is good for people on limited fixed incomes -- like those on Social
Security, etc. They should welcome the news that the cost-of-living
adjustment is "only" 1.5% -- rather than trying to hype it higher. The
bottom line is what you can get for the money -- and not simply getting
more money to buy one increasingly less -- as the union and media shills
would have us demand for them.
The chained (lower) CPI is correct
in reflecting the reality that people have to adjust their choices --
rather than continue to buy the same things despite their escalation in
price. Even the poorest persons can get $200 worth of food stamps,
housing subsidies, medicaid, etc. -- that already puts them above the
median income -- so that they aren't living at the poverty level.
But $200 a month of food will make one obese -- and then requiring the
Medicaid from all those complications -- including that one is sitting
around all day chain-smoking and pursuing
their favorite addictions to while their idle time. The smarter choice
would be to grow as much of their own food as possible -- ensuring a
more healthful diet, which is what a chained CPI would expect one to do
-- make better choices, including downsizing one's lifestyle -- instead
of lamenting that they have less money for travel and gifts to the
The downsizing of lifestyles means more used good are
available at yard sales and thrift stores -- and so wealth is
redistributed in that way, rather than people hoarding everything they
have in the hopes that inflation will make whatever they have more
valuable, which results in a more inefficient society.
So most
people still "earning" money, are vested in higher inflation rates,
while those on fixed incomes should be vested on lower inflation --
instead of being manipulated as dupes against their own self-interest,
to fuel the greed and ambitions of the unions and media people who want
to be at the top -- and in control.