Your Health is Your Wealth
Health is not something separate from your life -- but is the summation of all one does and is. There is no good health in spite of it. There is good health, and good life, only because of it.
That is to say, that the way one is, is a direct result of what one does -- and not that there is no relationship between one's health and the way one lives it. People have good lives, because they live good lives -- and have bad lives, because they live bad lives. People who do bad things to their health, have health problems, and its many complications.
The obvious one is smoking; slightly less obvious, is overeating, and eating bad food choices, and not exercising to keep the body well-conditioned -- so that it can do the many things it might want to do -- instead of always explaining that one can't do that -- which eventually becomes everything.
How is a reasonable person to expect that their quality of life and activities will be severely impacted and limited -- until finally, one needs an army of caregivers to do everything for them -- because one has long given up doing anything for oneself anymore, and think getting everybody else to do everything for them, is their seniority entitlement. Those are choices people make to become less competent and able -- just as it is a healthy choice to become more competent and able.
It is not the same -- whether one chooses to be healthier, or unhealthier. Such choices matter profoundly, in everything one chooses to do -- in one's life. It's not just health for health's sake, something only vain and arrogant people do. It is what every intelligent being does -- choose to enhance their chances for survival, and beyond that, actualizing the greatest life one can live -- as the primary meaning and purpose of their lives.
All one has is a chance -- at life. There are no guarantees and entitlements of the best life -- but one has a chance at it, and that is as much as one can hope for. The rest is learning what makes life better, and what makes life worse, and choosing to make it better -- every day of one's life. As soon as one stops doing that, than there is no reason or hope that things can get better -- because one doesn't no the difference, or care to know.
So things get worse -- and one has long forgotten how to make any difference in their lives -- which is their world. And so they complain about the world not working -- and not just them -- who they think has no part in it. They see the many ways to fail -- and no way to succeed. That is their choice -- the way they see the world, as not working, and only getting worse.
But obviously, the world is working, or there wouldn't be so many people in the world -- setting world records. People get better, because it is in their DNA to get better -- unless they choose not to. They sit on the banks and watch the rest of humanity cross the river because they've decided that they can't go on -- and they don't want to do anything about it. They've lost the will to change. They now demand that the whole world change for them.