Some People’s Idea of Freedom of Speech, Is To Suppress Everybody Else’s
Increasingly, that is the unfortunate tone of most public discourse, in which the primary objective and tactic, is not to discuss the merits of any issue, but to shout down and express disapproval of everything they don’t want to be heard.
It was at that point, that most civilized and thoughtful people realized they could avoid the boorishness and abuse of such people by merely avoiding such venues, like they could dysfunctional relatives. Out of sight, is out of mind -- and the tremendous drain of energy solving the innumerable problems that can be created in response to any solution -- because the objective is not to solve any problems with these discussions, but to create greater difficulties, and demonstrate who has the power, who is the Boss in these futile exercises. Outside of these arguments, these bullies have no power except what is given to them. That was the realization of the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution of the United States of America.
Whatever power another has, is given them by the consent and recognition of the other that they have a right to that power. That’s how newspapers and all those quasi-official organizations derive their power -- that the only information allowed, is the information provided by them -- and nothing else. One sees a lot of liberal blogs that operate with this reality -- using the newspaper’s opinions as their only “facts,” no longer thinking that what they see with their own eyes and senses, is what is actually happening. Thus, they provide no original content and insight but merely affirm and reinforce everything their controllers want them to repeat -- as the only reality.
A population becomes dispossessed in that manner -- of no longer thinking it is all right to think for themselves, but that the only thing they are allowed, is to embrace what others have deemed (politically) correct to believe and embrace, which is largely what the current education is about, rather than the discovery of any truth, on their own. Advanced students are taught to believe who the right persons are to believe -- and nothing more.
That goes on in many other “conditioning” venues. It is easier to just control other people’s thinking, than have them come upon the truth of any matter on their own -- especially when the whole point, is to get others only to embrace one’s thinking -- as the only reality.
The curious turn is that because information is discovered so quickly and further refined constantly, the institutions that seem themselves as the guardians and defenders o the status quo, are often left holding the untenable and indefensible invalid information -- which they are convinced, they must defend with their dying breath -- which of course, ensures their demise.
An admission that they have no idea what they are talking about, is what they cannot allow themselves to reveal -- and because of that, are never in the state of mind that can discover any truth for itself, because they are so consumed with convincing everybody else to believe everything they know, as all that can be known -- and never learning anything beyond that.